Matter Exam

  • Due Sep 4, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Points 25
  • Questions 25
  • Available Sep 2, 2020 at 12am - Sep 4, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit 90 Minutes


This is your Matter Exam. You should be ready for this exam before you press begin. Please use the resources available to help you study for this test before beginning it.

Instructions: Answer all the questions to the best of your ability. You may use any resources you want during the test. The test is timed, you have 90 min to complete this test and must be started and completed by 08/24/2020 by 11:59pm. 

Give yourself enough time to complete this test before the deadline is up. For example if you start your test at 11:00 pm you will only have 59 minutes to complete your test.

If you get logged out during your test, please log back in as soon as possible as your time will not stopped. Any unanswered questions will be marked incorrect. Good luck!

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