Course Syllabus
Spanish 1
Course Overview
In this course, students will learn to communicate in Spanish using the 4 modes of reading, speaking, writing and listening. At the conclusion of the course, students will be able to have a basic conversation in Spanish about familiar topics. In addition to grammar and vocabulary topics, students will also be gaining a level of cultural competence. There will be a study of the Spanish-speaking world and customs in different countries.
Course Pacing
- This is a 12-week course that combines grammar and vocabulary with the study of a Spanish-speaking country of the student’s choice. Weeks 1 -6 will cover greetings, introductions, numbers, days, months, the verb ser, adjectives and family. Weeks 7-12 will cover the present tense of regular -ar, -er and -ir verbs, the verb ir, activities, food and around town vocabulary. At the end of weeks 6 and 12, there will be a comprehensive exam over everything covered to that point.
- In addition to the topics chosen by the teacher, each student will choose one Spanish-speaking country to do an in-depth study on. Each week, in addition to the langauge course work, students will learn about the country of their choice.
Student Expectations
- Students should expect to spend about 5 hours a week
- There will be a speaking, reading, writing and listening activity in addition to the study of the country chosen.
Required Course Materials
- Students will need the following:
- Google account to be able to access collaborations and google hangouts
- Reliable Internet access
- Headphones with microphone
- Browser compatible with canvas
Student may want to have access to following (not required):
- 501 Spanish verbs
- A Spanish-English dictionary
Due Dates and Late Policy
- Assignments will be due on Wednesdays and Sundays by Midnight.
- Late work will be accepted up to 3 days late with 10 points taken off each day. Work will not be accepted after 3 days.
- If an unforeseen circumstance comes up, contact me as soon as possible and we will come up with a plan for you to complete the assignments. Points may be deducted.
Unit Overviews
- Each grammar and vocabulary section will begin on Monday and last two weeks. The first day, there will be an overview of the grammar and vocabulary that will be the focus of the next two weeks. The first week will consist of vocabulary acquisition and grammar practice activities in addition to pronunciation activities. There will be listening and reading activities. The second week will contain the speaking and writing activities to demonstrate mastery of the concepts.
- The culture study will be due at the end of the first week and will be shared with the class during the second week.
Grading and Instructor Feedback
- During each two-week session, any assignments can be re-done for half credit back. At the end of the two weeks, no more corrections for these concepts will be accepted.
- Assignment feedback will be given after the due dates of Wednesday and Sunday within 48 hours of submission.
- Feedback will be given in the course gradebook
Learner Code of Conduct Policy
- The course will be conducted per Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code :
Academic Honesty Policy
- It is expected that all assignments are completed entirely on your own using only the resources given to you by the professor and your own knowledge. It is considered cheating to use any online translator or other translation devices including, but not limited to, google translate, yahoo translate, etc. Native Spanish speakers are also considered translators if they are doing your work for you. If you are caught using any sort of translator or translation device, you will receive a 0 for that assignment and you will not have an opportunity to make it up. After that, your work will be monitored closely to ensure that you are only turning in your own work.
- If you are confused about something that is for the good of the class, please post it in the "Questions" forum. Please check the posts to make sure the question hasn’t already been answered. If you are still confused, please send me an email
- If you have a personal situation, please send me an email or call my office.
Pre-planned Extended Time Away from Course
- If you are aware that you will be away from the class for an extended period, please inform me no later than one week ahead of time. All work will be due immediately upon your return. Make every effort to submit work ahead of time.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |